This is groovy. Had an excited email from Gellan pointing me at this:
Thinking Juice’s little TV as for Wyke Farms has won a People’s Choice award, up against people with rather more budget. You can watch the ad and its rivals from the link. Nice one, G.
Why am I posting this? Rather pleasingly, Momo:timo wrote the music – a nice little tune to whistle while you’re carving the Simply Gorgeous extra mature. True, it’s hard to hear a note of it on YouTube, but the full thing is on the Timo website, for you dedicated cheese fans.
Doesn’t help me knuckle down, this. I’ve spent the week trying to develop a reasonably monstrous website for one client – and now I’m at Friday morning with a half-finished website and a couple of unstarted jobs I was planning to start on Monday. And all I really want to do is get back on the album. Swing the sign round from Typo to Timo and enjoy a Friday talking silly voices through a harmoniser. Way to run a business.
But I had a slightly hefty tea-time presentation of said website lastnight, that made me miss circuits and open some wine instead – so this morning was never going to be an early starter, was it? Mind you, I had the easier time. In the same meeting, as part of the wider brand development we’re partnering on for this, Gellan had to present some weighty and sometimes tricky-to-hear research. Then I got to stand up and say: ‘here’s your new website – as you can see, it’s very pretty. Any questions?’ [ finger pistol ]
Leeeetle more to it than that, obviously. But as I ponder the schedule for next week, the good thing, responsibility fans, is that Momo has an interesting spread of projects coming up.
Hopefully enough to keep us in cheese.