Buses. You been on one lately? You know you should, from time to time.
Quite apart from the reminder it will be to you, as a cocooned genius, of the surprisingly great stories the rest of the people who live near you are capable of letting slip between Pokesdown station and the Square, it is also a boon for parking.
Of course, one of the reasons you say you haven’t caught the bus much since leaving school and acquiring some dignity is their frequency. All that waiting around, before loads of the damn things turn up at once. Blocking the Grove in a way that never happened before Yellow Buses were privatised and the public transport wars began clagging up every back road in town.
Yes, well it’s funny you should bring up such a principle. For it appears to be the way with Momo output – you are about to be spoilt for which public joyride of new daft music to board. And don’t forget to tap in.
Of course, this weekend, as I type, the big news is Seasons Of War. The latest promo page will tell you more and point you to the finally revealed fruits of many people’s labours in both the film and the remarkable unofficial anthology of original stories – all for the love of Doctor Who and to raise money for the excellent charity Caudwell Children.
From a purely musical point of view, getting to write a crossover score for a charming imaginative spot of human storytelling was wonderful. Both romantic themes and minimal electronic darkness in one short film. And a bit of a beats mix of the whole thing shared first with Amigos. Fab to be able to let it all out of the bag at last.
But at the end of the first week of February, comes another short film score, and an even bigger exclusive for Amigos. For I have been given permission by director and long-time creative partner Ben Campbell for anyone on Momo’s mailing list to view a private link to his new short, Hero – something that won’t be publically aired online until much later in the year, while the production enters numerous film festivals. And along with that comes a mix of the film’s main theme that I absolutely cannot wait to share with you, being as it may turn out to be, the coolest thing I have ever accidentally done.
Then there will be the following week. Mid february will come the big announcement. The reveal of the brand new promotional tune, and an actual release date for the new Momo:tempo LP. Oh and a live show.
The new tune we’ve already leaked at a couple of shows last summer – All That Love Could Be. But there was no finished recording mix of it back then, so no one’s heard it since. And I can’t help feeling it’s going to be a bit of a surprise to many. Well, if Momo is known at all, it is for an eclectic approach to writing cute little tunes. So I’ve gone a teensy bit Kylie this time. No, of course it won’t fit with everything else on the new LP. But neither will anything else on the new LP.
There will at some point come the hoo-hah of finally getting that whole long player out there, which should surely involve a launch event of some kind. Which is all very well, but I can’t think beyond the next three weeks, so keep your hair on.
Whatever I do or don’t convince other people with music venues to let me do, do get set for a summer of new tunes from Momo to bother your neighbourhood with as you low-ride around town. Brace yourself, it’s been a while.